Appliance Repair Problems and their Solutions:
As durable and dependable as they may be, household appliances occasionally break down and require repair. Here are the most common problems appliance repair technicians at Appliances Care Solutions, Nerul encounter.
Air Conditioner
If you turn your central air conditioner on, off and then on again in rapid order, chances are you’ll blow a fuse or shut off a circuit breaker or the air conditioner simply won’t respond. That’s because the compressor (in the outdoor condensing unit) may have stopped in a high compression mode, making it difficult to start until the compression releases.
Older condensing units may switch the compressor on anyway, which causes the circuit to overload and blow a fuse. Newer, “smarter” condensing units will prevent this blunder by delaying the AC’s “on” function for a few minutes. It’s easy to mistake this delay with a faulty air conditioner. Be patient and give the air conditioner about five minutes to come back on.
The Fix: To determine if you have a blown fuse, locate the special fuse block near the outside unit. Pull out the block and take the whole thing to the hardware store. A salesperson can test the cartridge fuses and tell you if you need to replace them.
Washing Machine
Have you ever gone to transfer a load from the washer to the dryer only to find it soaking in a soapy bath? Although the machine may have broken down in the middle of its cycle, the more likely explanation is a damaged lid or door switch. Because your washer relies on a door sensor to ensure its lid is closed, it may stop running if the switch has a problem. In most cases, the switch is damaged by rough use, such as slamming the lid after dropping in a load.
The Fix: Have a service technician replace the door switch. Contact the Appliance Repair Service Center at Nerul, Navi Mumbai.
Cold Dryer
As you are undoubtedly aware, clothes dryers use heat to remove moisture from wet garments and accessories. If your dryer ceases to perform its primary function, there’s a good chance the problem is a blown thermal fuse. When this component breaks, the dryer will not produce any heat.
The Fix: Replace the thermal fuse and check the cycling thermostat. If the heat returns, the machine should operate as expected.
Leaky Freezer
Modern freezers periodically complete defrosting cycles to save homeowners the trouble of defrosting the entire unit from time to time. During these cycles, melted water moves to the drip pan via the defrost drain. But when this defrost drain is clogged with food and debris, water will begin to leak out onto the lower shelves. In most instances, the melted water will freeze, forming a sheet of ice on the floor of the freezer.
The Fix: Have an appliance repair technician clean or replace the defrost drain.
Faulty compressor
A compressor is the heart of a refrigerator unit which is responsible for the refrigeration cycle. If the fridge does not work, the compressor might be defective. The compressor is a motor that compresses the refrigerant or coolant and circulates the refrigerant through the evaporator and condenser coils. Problems with your compressor may cause the fridge to shut down. Keeping the compressor clean and lubricated can help to prevent refrigerator start-up problems.
Faulty thermostat
A bad thermostat is a leading cause of refrigerator not working problem. A defective thermostat cannot transmit start signal to start capacitor and the refrigerator does not turn on. In such a situation call a PRO for refrigerator repair.
Microwave Oven Controls
Blame it on the technology. It so happens that if you set the “time cook” function, the oven, much like a programmed VCR, won’t turn on until the appointed time. You may have done this inadvertently, but if your digital display reads “hold,” “delay” or “time cook,” then the timer is engaged. You’ll have to clear it first by pushing the “off” button. On ovens with dials, be sure the knob is turned to “manual.”
These are some common reasons behind home appliances not working but there can be other reasons as well. Hire the best technician at your nearest Appliance Repair Service Center at Nerul, Navi Mumbai today and let them take care of your expensive appliances.